
I believe that many poor friends should have heard of the tombstone mechanism of iOS, right?

This mechanism can record the status of these apps like a tombstone when we switch the apps to the background, and then freeze them so that they will not seize CPU resources with the foreground apps.

When we switch back to the app, it will restore the app to the state before freezing according to the records on the tombstone; if the app is suspended for a long time, it will further release memory to reduce power consumption and heat generation.

It can be said that a large part of the reason why the iOS system is so smooth is due to the tombstone mechanism, which is also the reason why the iPhone 13 is still using 4G memory in 2022.

Recently, when Shichao was free to visit Kuan, he accidentally discovered that Android can actually implement a tombstone mechanism similar to iOS:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

And according to the feedback from Kuanji friends, after turning on the tombstone mechanism on Android, the effect is unexpectedly good. Many people said that the heat and power consumption of the mobile phone have been reduced a lot, and the phenomenon of killing the background is not so serious:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

With curiosity, Shichao also tried it on his mobile phone, but he didn’t expect it to be effective.

Before the tombstone mechanism was turned on, I opened WeChat, Weibo, Baidu Map, WeChat Reading and other apps in the background of my mobile phone. You can see that even in the background, they still occupy some CPU resources:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

And after I turned on the tombstone mechanism, these apps that have been hung in the background, their CPU usage suddenly became 0%, and the effect can be said to be immediate:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

Of course, this situation is not absolute.

In the process of continuing to open other apps, I noticed that sometimes some apps may still have one or two processes that will continue to occupy the CPU, but the occupancy ratio is very small, basically below 5%:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

After the CPU resources of these background apps are released, the most obvious feeling I feel about this is that my mobile phone, I opened multiple apps at once and finally stopped getting stuck, and the phone did not get too hot during the whole process!

Before, as long as I open seven or eight apps in a row, the system will drop frames and freeze, and the phone will start to heat up. When I open more than ten apps, the gesture operation will become unfamiliar.

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

But then again, there is no harm in turning this feature on.

Some people have reported that instant messaging software such as WeChat, even if you hang it in the background, the message may not be received or the message may be delayed; and the app may suspend downloading files when it switches to the background.

According to the actual measurement, after setting these apps to be self-starting, it seems that this problem can be avoided. At least my mobile phone does not encounter the above two situations, and the CPU usage of WeChat will immediately go away when the news comes:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

In short, I suggest that everyone who is using an Android phone can try it on their own. If you feel that the effect is not great or that it affects the experience, it is a big deal to turn it off again.

Next, Shichao will tell you how to turn on the tombstone mechanism of Android phones.

Before opening, we need to enter the phone settings to find the system version number, click the version number several times until the system prompts “You are already in developer mode”, and then enter the developer options page:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

In the developer options, we need to find the option of “pause the execution of cached applications”. After selecting it, restarting the phone is equivalent to turning on Android’s tombstone mechanism:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

If you don’t find this option in the developer options of your mobile phone, then there is a high probability that the manufacturer has blocked this function in the system. At this time, we need to use a third-party tool to enable it.

It is a little troublesome to enable the tombstone mechanism with third-party tools. First, we need to download a wireless debugging tool Shizuku in Kuan, and then activate Shizuku according to the tutorials and tips provided by this app:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

After the activation is successful, we also need to download a love game machine toolbox in Kuan, and grant the corresponding permissions to the software:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

Among these permissions, we can directly authorize the basic permissions.

The “Modify System Security Settings” permission requires Shizuku to be authorized successfully. If you have activated Shizuku, just click “Shizuku” in the lower left corner:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

Then you can find the “Pause Execution of Cached Apps” option in the system-related settings of the iPlayer toolbox, select “Start at any time”, and restart the phone once you are done:

The tombstone mechanism that keeps iOS smooth is also available on Android!

In general, I personally feel that Android is quite open, and it gives us such an option. Since there is, we might as well try it, there may be unexpected surprises, thank you for watching!


Kuan@万神, talk about Android’s ‘tombstone mechanism’

Kuan@Wind and Shake Soul Dissipates, Guide to Opening Tombstone Mechanism

Kuan@Quest Qianmeng, (without root) MIUI opens the hidden tombstone mode

Kuan@ah this is true, @Danyhug, @enjoy what you think i, @buy assets to become a rich man, @日月is tomorrow’s day and moon, @there is one more day to have a holiday

Hashtags: AppleiOSAndroid

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