
New production of Frogware which is actually a total overhaul of a title published in 2006, Sherlock Holmes The Awakened is set to return to Nintendo Switch and competing media as a crowdfunded project (see all info here). the Kickstarter has just started, but it has already reached the first level ensuring the good continuation of the project. It is on this page that we were able to see the first official trailer of this new expected version for the middle of the year 2023. We let you discover it below.

A cult obsessed with eldritch gods is working behind the scenes to fulfill a world-changing prophecy and it’s up to the young detective duo to thwart their plans. It’s a creative look at the horrific events that may have struck our heroes at such a crucial time in their lives and shaped them into the characters we all know. Immerse yourself in the trauma and fear that cement their friendship for good and the revelations that shatter Sherlock’s spirit to create the flawed, haunted genius he is destined to be.

Originally released in 2006, The Awakened is a complete remake and substantial rewrite, rebuilt and redesigned from the ground up to work in Unreal Engine 4.


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