If the possibilities of personalizing the locked screen of iOS 16 remain well supervised by Apple (no question of doing anything), it is still possible to have a lot of fun. Take for example, it is possible to change the color of the clock to the same color as a plain or gradient wallpaper. As a result, the time disappears from the locked screen!
Apple provides several gradient wallpapers, but nothing prevents you from creating a solid color background (in Pixelmator for example) and use it as a wallpaper. You must then touch the clock, then scan the line of colors at the bottom of the screen: at the very end is the color selection panel.

On a gradient color background, it is possible that the time can be guessed. On a plain background, the result is even better as seen in the video above. The time does not disappear however, when unlocked it passes a head before blending into the color. Yes, we have fun as we can.
iOS 16 takes inspiration from the Apple Watch to redesign its locked screen
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