
A week before the start of Gamescom, you will have to look at Bethesda for fresh news! The studio will indeed offer a new QuakeCon on August 18th. On the program, interventions around the historical licenses of the developer but also some surprises.

The program published this Thursday on social networks could not be richer. The Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76 and Ghostwire Tokyo will be in the limelight. Games and activities also await the community. Quizzes, PC assembly or even a charity stream around Fallout 4 are specifically provided.

What holds our attention more is at the opening of this day of celebration. Bethesda indeed announces a meeting with the teams of Arkane Austin. The developers will give insight into how they “bring life to red fall“. This will be the studio’s first intervention around the game, after its gameplay trailer presented at the end of last June.

The intervention on the title will take place Thursday, August 18, 2022, at 7:15 p.m. (French time). It will be broadcast on the QuakeCon Twitch channel.

red fall will be released in the first half of 2023 exclusively on Xbox Series X|S and PC. It will be a FPS playable in solo or in co-op up to four people, in an open world city infested with vampires.

More news around red fall :

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