
“Ice Cream Assassin” trademark is squatted on why ice cream sells more and more expensive: these 7 kinds of new regulations are price gouging

The Tianyancha App shows that recently, the trademark “Ice Cream Assassin” was applied for registration by a natural person Li, and the international classification is advertising sales. The current trademark progress is in the application process.

It is reported that ice cream assassins are often used to describe “high-priced ice cream”, referring to those ordinary ice creams that hide in the refrigerator, but use the price to stab you at the checkout and give a “fatal blow”.

Recently, “Why Ice Creams Are Getting More Expensive” was once a hot topic on Weibo. The 10-yuan Menglong is no longer the ceiling of ice cream, such as Maotai, Rezai, and Zhong Xuegao, which are often priced at tens of yuan. common.

This also makes people who grew up eating old popsicles and small puddings exclaimed where is the “one yuan ice cream”? Judging from the actual situation, low-priced ice cream has been hard to find in chain convenience stores. Most of the displays are so-called mid-to-high-end ice cream. Only in small supermarkets around the community can you see some low-priced ice cream.

Why is the price of ice cream track so popular? On the one hand, it is due to the rise in raw materials. Data show that after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, the prices of milk and sugar, the most common ice cream ingredients, have risen sharply. Secondly, cold chain logistics costs, channel costs, and terminal costs have risen.

Regarding the phenomenon of “ice cream assassins”, the “Regulations on Clearly Marking Prices and Prohibiting Price Gouging” implemented by the State Administration for Market Regulation on July 1 has made targeted regulations. The “Regulations” specify seven typical price fraud behaviors that operators are not allowed to commit:

Falsely claiming that the prices of goods and services are set by the government or guided by the government;

Luring consumers or other business operators at low prices to settle settlements at high prices;

Selling goods or providing services by means of false discounts, price reductions or price comparisons;

When selling goods or providing services, using deceptive or misleading language, words, numbers, pictures or videos to mark prices and other price information;

Refuse to perform or not fully perform the price commitment without justifiable reasons;

Not marking or significantly weakening the marking of price conditions that are unfavorable to consumers or other business operators, and deceiving consumers or other business operators to conduct transactions with them;

When discounting the price through points, gift certificates, exchange coupons, cash coupons, etc., it is not allowed to discount the price as agreed.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

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