
Thrilling. Just at the start of the F1 British Grand Prix race, a serious accident happened unfortunately. The Chinese player Zhou Guanyu collided with the British player Russell’s car: After the collision, Zhou Guanyu’s car flipped 180 degrees and rubbed off the track “upside down” on the ground: everyone was fighting for Zhou Guanyu’s car at this time. Safely squeeze a cold sweat. But fortunately, he posted on Weibo as soon as possible after the accident, saying it was okay: Zhou Guanyu also highlighted “Halo” in his Weibo, saying that it “saved me”. Immediately related topics – “Halo system has made contributions again” appeared on the hot search: So what is this system, which is dubbed “flip-flops” by car fans because of its appearance? Why can the personal safety of the racers be kept at a critical moment? And what other such black technologies are there in F1 cars? Let’s have a look together. The “herringbone .
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