
from Sarah Petzold
Hogwarts Legacy still doesn’t have a final release date, but at least the developers have come out with some new information and pictures about their game. Among other things, there were new details about character creation to see.

Although Hogwarts Legacy should finally be released this year after several postponements, the developers are only very spartan with new information about their open-world game. But now, a few weeks before the start of Gamescom 2022, when interested parties will hopefully also see the game, the team has revealed a few new details about Hogwarts Legacy as part of an online event organized by the software manufacturer Autodesk.

Players can probably customize their main character extensively

The developers of Hogwarts Legacy showed a new cutscene at the event, which has now found its way to YouTube. In the scene, we see the Hogwarts heroes rescuing a griffon that has been threatened by poachers:

The scene is probably part of the extended version of a gameplay trailer that we already saw as part of Sony’s State of Play presentation. Additionally, the Hogwarts Legacy News Twitter account posted several images from the motion capture process:

There was also footage of character creation:

Apparently, players have the option to select pre-made characters and then customize them to their own liking in terms of face, hairstyle and other details. The professor with the purple outfit, who appeared in earlier shots from the game, can also be seen in the pictures. A community manager has confirmed that it is a Slytherin professor named Abraham Ronan.

When Hogwarts Legacy will actually appear is still not certain. However, it is strongly assumed that Warner Bros. will reveal a final release date as part of Gamescom 2022 – maybe even directly with a gameplay trailer during the opening night on August 23, 2022.

Source: Twitter (via gamestar)

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