
By default, the display backlight of the lion’s share of smartphones is shifted to the “blue” region of the spectrum, which for our eyes is associated with a bright and warm sun. Turn on this in the middle of the night – the brain will reflectively confuse the time of day, quickly redirect hormonal flows and make you stay awake instead of creating a blissful atmosphere for sleep.

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Healthy sleep is healthy everything else, including the psychological state of the consumer, and therefore it is beneficial for manufacturers of equipment for permanent use to invest in solving problems in this area. Apple blocked the distribution of jailbreak utilities like F.lux, probably out of harm and resentment, because savvy developers were ahead of the IT giant. Be that as it may, the technology has already been adopted everywhere and is now positioned as one of the useful options for most (the function works on iOS 9.3 and higher) new apple gadgets.

Its essence is that when night falls, the iPhone display automatically begins to emit in a warm range, away from the insidious blue. But why is he so dangerous?

  • Seeing daylight, the brain stops producing the hormone melatonin. The latter is responsible for the daily rhythm of the whole organism – it is akin to a cry for all organs “Rise!”.
  • Involuntary awakening from blue light will mess up your memory the next day.
  • Those who do not get enough sleep do not study, are not able to remember the list of important things to do, listen carefully to the boss, etc.
  • Man is a diurnal creature, whose perception is 70% formed by vision. Even the imitation of sunlight makes the eyes work and get tired beyond the norm.
  • Constantly tired eyes are one step closer to cataracts than those that are allowed to rest regularly.
  • There is a relationship between sleep interruption and the risk of prostate and breast cancer – the danger threatens both men and women.
  • Disrupt sleep – get a portion of neurotoxins. The more of them, the more difficult it is to fall asleep and wake up in general.
  • A broken internal clock and a lack of melatonin are the godparents of depression.
  • If the dream is already interrupted, why not have breakfast out of turn? Purely on an instinctive level. Blue light can be blamed for being overweight by many users.

In order to remember to turn on Night Shift, activate the scheduled setting, which will automatically turn the mode on and off depending on the time of day. The Night Shift options are along the path: Settings → Display & Brightness → Night Shift.

How to enable Night Mode (Night Shift)

Here, in the mode settings, you must set the level of the desired screen temperature. It is advisable to choose a warmer shade.

How to enable Night Mode (Night Shift)

In addition, Night Shift can be enabled from the Control Center. To do this, press and hold your finger on the screen brightness slider, then on the screen that appears, press the Night Shift button.

How to activate Night Mode (Night Shift) from Control Center on iPhone and iPad

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That blue light is the enemy of normal sleep is by and large beyond doubt. But is its absence a condition for a good rest, or is it more of a marketing trick? There is no correct answer, but the position of specialized scientists is closer to the last statement. The thing is that the influence of a smartphone on sleep function is multifaceted and is not limited to one contact of the eyes and the display. The Night Shift mode only helps to minimize stress for your favorite eyes, a fact that many reputable reviewers have already noted.

Sleepy woman at the computer

Business Insider journalists interviewed sleep specialist Erin Brodwin, and then compiled a list of top-priority factors that really prevent lovers of spending leisure time with a smartphone in their arms from falling asleep:

  • Did I like the last post? No wonder they say that activity in social networks is akin to drugs.
  • What’s going on in the world! Thoughts involuntarily return to the last viewed news.
  • What if the email/message has already arrived? Work does not let go and in bed.
  • Someone is wrong on the Internet! How can you sleep if justice has not been done?
  • Any other brain activity provoked by work in the information space. A smartphone is just a window there, which you need to be able to close on time, and not right before bedtime.

The absence of blue light will not help anyone who suffers from insomnia from heavy thoughts. But practice shows that the most reliable way to fall asleep is to keep the iPhone away from the bed, and yourself from the temptation to while away a minute or two doing your usual thing. Most importantly, don’t miss the alarm!

See also:


The post Why you need to turn on Night Shift (Night mode) on iPhone – scientific explanation appeared first on Gamingsym.