
Other games don’t fare nearly as well.

It’s high season for quarterly reports, and in many cases they’ve been pretty disappointing. Square Enix does not want to be better, and states in report that the most recent quarter (April through June) for the financial year shows a drop of almost 16 percent compared to the corresponding period last year.

If we dot the different categories (see picture below), we see that mobile and browser games lose something compared to last year, while the so-called “The HD Games” lose all the more, “despite the release of several titles”, according to Square Enix. It is a rising curve for the mmo part, there of course Final Fantasy XIV is king. “The number of paying subscribers is increasing”says a pleased Square Enix.

In fact, the mmo segment accounts for a larger share of the pie than the HD games. The mmo part consists, except Final Fantasy XIVby Japan exclusive Dragon Quest X and the old faithful servant FFXI.

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