
Fenghuang Net Technology News Beijing time July 6 news, data show that due to government subsidies and other reasons to reduce the purchase price, the market share of Chinese electric car makers in Thailand is expected to rise from 58% last year to about 80% this year. Dominates the electric vehicle market in Thailand.

It is reported that,China’s Great Wall Motors, Thailand’s best-known EV brand, has sold more than 2,000 vehicles since it entered the market a year ago, and more than 3,000 people are waiting for deliveries of Great Wall EVs this year.SAIC’s electric vehicles are also popular with Thai drivers, with more than 4,500 sold in Thailand last year, and sales are expected to grow further this year. In addition, when the ORA cat launched the model last week, it sold out 500 units in stock in 58 minutes.

The Thai government plans to have electric vehicles account for 30 percent of Thailand’s auto production by 2030. According to reports, to achieve this goal, the government provides electric vehicle buyers with subsidies of up to 150,000 baht (about 28,000 yuan) per vehicle; on June 9, the Thai government reduced the tax rate on electric vehicles from 8% to 2%. % in exchange for a commitment from the manufacturer to produce electric vehicles domestically in the future.

The China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, which has been in effect since 2005, allows China to ship electric vehicles to Thailand duty-free, also giving Chinese brands a further advantage.

On June 13, the Investment Promotion Board of Thailand approved Foxconn and the State Petroleum Corporation of Thailand (PTT) to set up a joint venture worth 36.1 billion baht (about 6.7 billion yuan) to produce pure electric vehicles. The chairman of Hon Hai said that the mass production of electric vehicles will be realized in Thailand in 2024.

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