Disney has been making more than one person dream for decades through the beauty of its stories and its princesses. Princesses who, however, do not have as magical an existence as one might think. Indeed, many are those who do not have a mother. But why ?
Disney princesses without a mother
You’ve probably already noticed: Jasmine in Aladdinbeautiful in The beauty and the Beast or even Ariel in The little Mermaid don’t have a mother. Cinderella and Snow White only have one stepmother. But, the latter is particularly nasty and does not like her mother figure.

However, this decision is not insignificant and actually comes from Disney. Many people think that it is related to most of the classics that we all know, in other words, the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. In their stories, they rarely included a mother. Why ? Because in the 18th and 19th centuries, many women died tragically during childbirth.
A personal story
If some think that, others consider that it is a choice related to the personal history of Walt Disney in person. The latter actually experienced the death of his own mother. According to the biographical work Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imaginationwritten in 2006 by Neal Gabler, “his mother Flora died of carbon monoxide poisoning due to faulty heating”.

This horrible situation was absolutely not the fault of Walt Disney. However, since he had bought the house where she died for her, it is likely that he felt deep lifelong guilt. The same book explains that “It was perhaps the most heartbreaking moment in Walt Disney’s life – a misery no doubt compounded by the fact that she had died in the new home Walt had given her and by the guilt of her own workmen ».
And in today’s Disney?
If the Disney princesses of yesterday did not have a mother or only had an evil stepmother, you should know that even those being the most modern do not have one either. We can for example think of Giselle in EnchantedAnna and Elsa in Snow Queen or even Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean.

These new motherless princesses therefore suggest that the Disney giant continues to perpetuate the tradition in honor of Walt Disney. What do you think ?
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