
Huawei stated that it has nothing to do with Chen Chunhua. The latter responded: Huawei is only one of the academic research cases

On July 6, Huawei issued an official statement saying that Huawei has nothing to do with Professor Chen Chunhua, Huawei does not know her, and it is impossible for her to know Huawei.

According to AI Finance and EconomicsIn response to Huawei’s statement, Chen Chunhua himself responded in a WeChat group chat: “Recently, there have been more than 10,000 articles on the Internet that exaggerate and deduce my interpretation and comments on Huawei, which are basically false information. The official statement:1. These articles were not written by me. 2. Huawei is only one of my academic research cases. 3. I will hire a lawyer to pursue responsibility for such torts.

Huawei stated that it has nothing to do with Chen Chunhua. The latter responded: Huawei is only one of the academic research cases

Saw understands that Chen Chunhua is the Dean of BiMBA Business School of the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, the Wang Kuancheng Chair Professor of Peking University, the co-founder of Zhishi, the chairman of the board of directors of Xinhuadu Business School, and the professor and doctoral tutor of the School of Business Administration of South China University of Technology. , Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore Business School.

From 2015 to 2018, she was awarded the title of “China’s 25 Most Influential Business Women Leaders” by Fortune for four consecutive years.

The reason why she has a relationship with Huawei is because she published an article in January 2017, “With Mr. Ren Zhengfei: A Day Around the Fireplace”, describing how at the end of 2016, she, Professor Yao Yang, Professor Tian Tao, etc., had a relationship with Ren Zhengfei. The scene of the exchange of Mr.

However, after so many years, a large number of details in this article have been interpreted, exaggerated, and modified by various media. Chen Chunhua himself has also been dubbed “Huawei Military Advisor Chen Chunhua” and “Huawei Naval Commander Chen Chunhua”.

That’s not all, there are rumors that, “Despite the opposition of Huawei executives, Ren Zhengfei insisted on driving to pick up Chen Chunhua, a female professor at Peking University“, “Ren Zhengfei personally drove to pick up Chen Chunhua, but was bluntly said by the other party: Your business will face losses immediately” and so on.

So in this context, Huawei issued a statement, and Chen Chunhua himself also came forward to respond.

Huawei stated that it has nothing to do with Chen Chunhua. The latter responded: Huawei is only one of the academic research cases

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Luomuarticle error correction

Hashtags: Huawei Enterprise Dynamics Enterprise

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