
One of Apple’s main partners, Pegatron, denied media reports that Chinese customs delayed all its deliveries after a meeting with the head of the company with the speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

In a statement, Pegatron said iPhone production at its Chinese facilities continues as normal and shipments were not affected at all. Reports of supply chain irregularities surfaced online on Wednesday, just after Pelosi’s meeting with the heads of Pegatron and TSMC.

Pegatron is Taiwan’s second-largest ‌iPhone‌ contract assembler after Foxconn, while TSMC is Apple’s sole chip supplier and the world’s most valuable semiconductor company. All three firms have factories in China.

The Nikkei reports that Apple on Friday also asked its suppliers to ensure that shipments from Taiwan to China strictly comply with Chinese customs regulations – all Taiwanese-made parts and components must be labeled “Made in Taiwan, China” or simply “China. Taipei. In other words, Taiwanese companies must indicate that the island is part of China.

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The post Apple asks Taiwanese suppliers to label components as part of China appeared first on Gamingsym.