
Old Karsten and open worlds, that’s a difficult subject at times. As is well known, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the huge worlds of online role-playing games for many years, and I really enjoy it. This is different in single-player games with a big story focus, which also use an open world. Oftentimes, these triple-A blockbusters are so big and so crammed with optional (and often boring) content that I’ll run away at some point, even though I’d really like the setting, the characters, and the important story content .

For example, I’ve hardly played through a GTA or Assassin’s Creed, even though I’ve put hundreds of hours of my life into the two series. For the games in Bethesda’s Fallout and Elder Scrolls series, I often needed several attempts. There are many reasons why I gave up early: Sometimes I had to take a longer break because of work and then couldn’t find my way back to work afterwards. Sometimes it was a certain quest that annoyed me or it was bugged, the boring core gameplay or I was just annoyed by the next generic title with Ubisoft formula.

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