
According to CCTV, data released today by the Ministry of Public Security shows that by the end of June 2022, the number of motor vehicles in the country has reached 406 million, of which the number of new energy vehicles has exceeded 10 million. Specifically, the number of new energy vehicles in the country reached 10.01 million, accounting for 3.23% of the total number of vehicles. According to the latest statistics, 2.209 million new energy vehicles were newly registered in the first half of this year, compared with the number of new registrations in the first half of last year. An increase of 1.106 million vehicles, an increase of 100.26%, a record high. It is worth mentioning that in April this year, BYD announced that it had completely stopped the production of the company’s fuel vehicles in March, becoming the first car company in the world to implement this decision. In May, Long March Motors, a subsidiary of Great Wall Motors, announced that it will stop production of fuel vehicles from June 5. At present, there are 81 cities in the country with more than 1 million cars, an increase of 7 cities year-on-year. Beijing has more than 6 million cars, Chengdu and Chongqing have more than 5 million, and Shanghai, Suzhou, Zhengzhou, Xi’an and Wuhan The number of automobiles exceeds 4 million. In terms of drivers, as of the end of June, the number of motor vehicle drivers in the country reached 492 million, of which 454 million were car drivers, accounting for 9.23.
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