Hoy no slo se ha annunciado la fecha de lanzamiento de God of War: Ragnarokwhich runs on PS5 and PS4 el November 9th, sino que adems se han desvelado los details de sus mltiples editions. Given the richness of the standard and the digital, this new entry from the adventures of Kratos and Atreus is available in large collection collections, both including a replica of Thor’s martyr (among many other things). Today we know that there is a price trend in Spain, but it has been confirmed that its reservation period will start on July 15 at 10:00 (local time) and it will show one unboxing of these editions.
Contenido de la Edicin Coleccionista de God of War: Ragnarok
The most basic of these editions is the Collection Collectorwhich in its large box includes a digital copy of God of War: Ragnarok for PS5 and PS4, the replica of Thor’s Mjolnir and a good selection of physical and virtual content that you can consult to continue:
- Cdigo impreso para God of War: Ragnarok (PS5 / PS4).
- Collected box inspired by the Knowledge Keeper’s Shrine.
- Steelbook (without game disc).
- Rplica del Mjolnir de Thor (40.6 cm).
- Tallas de madera de los gemelos Vanir (5 cm).
- Set of pineapple daddy balls with the Yggdrasil symbol.
Digital content of the Edicin Colleccionista (the markets with asterisks are advancing in history):
- Armadura de Kratos del Valle Oscuro *
- Atrium of the Dark Valley (cosmic object) *
- Espuaduras de espadas del Valle Oscuro para las Espadas del Chaos *
- Valle Oscuro hachu Empuadura para el hacha Leviatn *
- Digital sonic band of God of War: Ragnarok
- Dark Horse Digital Art Minibus
- Set of avatars
- Theme for PS4
Content of the Jotnar Edicin de God of War: Ragnarok
Adems de la anterior, God of War: Ragnarok tambin se podr comprar en una Edicin Jotnar which includes all the content of the Collection with some differences and extra extras, such as a vinyl disco or pines. Continued pods show a complete list of all that includes:
- Cdigo impreso para God of War: Ragnarok (PS5 / PS4).
- Steelbook (without game disc)
- Bear McCreary vinylo disco 7 pulgadas with music.
- Halcn pine game, oso and lobo representing Faye, Kratos and Atreus respectively.
- The legendary legend of Draupnir.
- Brok metlicos dados toy game with the brand of the hermanos huldra.
- Map of Yggdrasil
- Figurines of the Vanir gemelos (5 cm)
- Rplica de Mjolnir de (40.6 cm)

Digital content of the Edicin Jotnar (the markets with asterisks are advancing in history):
- Armadura de Kratos del Valle Oscuro *
- Atrium of the Dark Valley (cosmic object) *
- Espuaduras de espadas del Valle Oscuro para las Espadas del Chaos *
- Valle Oscuro hachu Empuadura para el hacha Leviatn *
- Digital sonic band of God of War: Ragnarok
- Dark Horse Digital Art Minibus
- Set of avatars
- Theme for PlayStation 4
Adems of these collection collections, God of War: Ragnarok tambin is available in editions estndar fsica (without update next-gen free) and one Digital Deluxe which includes the PS5 and PS4 versions. We will record the reservations on July 15th and the game will be launched on November 9th. Who precedes the game in any of its consecutive editions two nieve Alzada attendees for Kratos and Atreus.
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The post Here is the collection of God of War: Ragnarok with Thor’s martyr included appeared first on Gamingsym.