
Small summer today!Northeast heavy rain is coming

At 10:38 today, Xiaoshu arrives. “When the summer heat is over, it will be three times hotter in a day.” The temperature in many places across the country continues to rise, and outdoor activities should be avoided as much as possible during the high temperature period in the afternoon. At this time, you should beware of heat stroke, drink more water, and eat more fruits and vegetables. The grilling mode is on, how many degrees are you there? ?

On July 7th, my country ushered in the #小夏# solar term, which is the fifth solar term in summer, indicating that the midsummer officially begins. At this time, the earth is surrounded by heat waves and the summer heat is strong. @ChinaWeather Inventory of the meteorological big data from 1991 to 2020 found that the Xiaoshu solar term is not only unbearably hot, but also the solar term with the most rainfall throughout the year.

In the high temperature ranking, Hangzhou is undoubtedly the longest, followed by Guangzhou and Fuzhou, and in the annual small summer rainfall ranking, Wuhan, Guangzhou and Nanjing are in the top three.

In addition to paying attention to heatstroke prevention, on the day of Xiaoshu, there is a custom of “food new” in the south, while in the north there is a tradition of “eating dumplings in the first place”, as the so-called “head-fu dumplings, two-fu noodles, three-fu pancakes and eggs”.

Waking up one night, there were heavy rains in many parts of the Northeast, and it felt like splashing water. 15 red warnings for heavy rain in Liaoning sounded. Everyone must take precautions.

Small summer today!Northeast heavy rain is coming

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue rainstorm warning: It is expected that from 08:00 on July 7 to 08:00 on the 8th, there will be heavy to heavy rain in eastern Liaoning, central and eastern Jilin, eastern Heilongjiang, central and eastern Guangxi, western and southeastern Guangdong, among which, There were heavy rainstorms (100-180 mm) in parts of southeastern Jilin, southeastern Guangxi and other places.

Small summer today!Northeast heavy rain is coming

Small summer today!Northeast heavy rain is coming

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Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtag: Heatstroke and heavy rain in Northeast China

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The post Small summer today!The heavy rain in the Northeast has come to reveal the secret of the king of small heat and high temperature and the king of heavy rain: the Central Meteorological Observatory early warning-heavy rain, northeast, heat stroke-kuai technology (media of Drive Home)–technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.