Three weeks ago, we launched a contest game in partnership with Nakon to win a Pro Compact Controller. We had even decided to add a PSN card to the basket to delight our readers on Playstation as well. And we have our winners!
Winners of the Nacon Giveaway & PSN Card
Find the complete announcement of the winners on Twitter.
I personally drew the winners this morning using Twitter Picker :
- The site already takes Retweets into account
- I added the parameters “follow @nacon and @nextstagefr”
- I drew 2 winners
- Then I used Twitter’s advanced search tool to find their comments.
→ I was lucky to find a PS5 player and a PC player directly, which saved me from having to redo a draw.
I’ve compiled the “evidence” into a little infographic
Thank you to all participants ! For those who didn’t win anything today, don’t worry because there will be other chances.
The post Giveaway Nacon – Announcement of the Winners appeared first on Gamingsym.