
Pollution is one of the greatest problems of our world. In addition to being the cause of the current climate crisis, pollution is also the cause of many health problems. Of course, pollution levels around the world are not all the same, and some cities are much more polluted than others. Taking into account the Air Quality Index (AQI) or the amount of PM2.5 fine particles in the air, here are 10 of the most polluted cities in the world.

Note that from an AQI equal to 50, the air quality is considered to be poor. Beyond 100, it is very bad. As regards fine particles, the limit value is 25 µg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter of air) for the countries of the European Union.

— RR / Shutterstock.com

10. Sofia, Bulgaria

With an average AQI that exceeds 150, the capital of Bulgaria is also considered the european capital of pollution. In this city, the WHO has estimated that pollution kills about 9,000 people each year. The main cause of pollution in Sofia is the burning of wood for heating and the burning of waste, two practices mainly attributed to households, not industries. Transport-related pollution is also significant, in particular because of the obsolescence of vehicles.

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