Electronic Arts’ recent anti-single-player games tweet didn’t get much of a positive response. Both players and people from the industry sometimes criticized harshly and internal tensions are said to have been a result of the action.
Almost a week ago, the official Electronic Arts Twitter account took care of it with a tweet for plenty of fuss. This alluded to an old meme and roughly translates to “You’re a 10 but you only like single player games”. Players responded promptly and various games studios also criticized the news. According to a recent report by USAToday the controversial tweet is said to have led to internal problems at EA.
EA Studios reportedly found the tweet insulting
If we can believe the content of the article, the short message was written by an external group that has little experience with the games industry. Accordingly, those responsible would not have known in what way Electronic Arts had already commented on single-player games in the past. Among other things, the group predicted in the 2010s that games of this type would soon die out.
The tweet was hotly debated by various development teams at the company, with many considering responding to the studio’s own Twitter accounts, according to USA Today sources: “They were desperate to try to turn things around. Even people who work on multiplayer games weren’t enthusiastic about it.” However, as this might have made matters worse and possibly added to the company’s negative reputation, the project was ultimately abandoned.
“The idea that got the most consensus was to take responsibility and apologize,” a source explained. This then happened in a different way. It was pointed out again that the person responsible for the tweet was not to blame. Instead, it would be up to EA’s corporate policy. Electronic Arts allegedly invited its executives and employees, who found the tweet an insult to their work, to a clarifying roundtable discussion shortly thereafter.
More Electronic Arts news:
With Vince Zampella Incidentally, a high-ranking EA employee from Respawn Entertainment commented on the tweet in the form of an emoji. In addition to the Battle Royale hit “Apex Legends”, the studio has also been responsible for the single-player action-adventure “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order”, which was positively received by both critics and gamers, and the development team is currently working on the sequel.
In addition, also responded Zach Mumbach from the former EA studio Visceral Games (“Dead Space”) on the controversial tweet. He says many EA games are rated 6 or 7 on a 10-point scale. However, this has nothing to do with the skills of the studios, but with the pressure from the bosses: “EA management does not know what a “10” looks like in relation to video games.”
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