
The Finnish car and battery manufacturer Valmet Automotive announced this week that they will begin production of the Sion electric car next year at their factory in Nystad. The cars are built for Sono Motors and the idea is that they will build 257,000 cars over seven years.

Like the Lightyear One electric car, Sion also uses solar panels that are integrated into the body to charge the car’s battery. The car can of course also be charged via mains power and the battery should give the car a range of around 305 kilometres.


Vehicle, Electric,

Sion, Valmet, Sono Motors

Thanks to Patrick

Is it worth it with solar cells on cars?


In this video, the channel Undecided examines whether built-in solar cells on cars are actually worth it, or if it’s better to spend the energy on something else. The first car with solar cells on the roof actually appeared already in 1962. In recent years, some companies have offered models with solar cells, examples of these are Fiskers Ocean and Sono Motors.


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