
On July 7, a passenger who took the flight uploaded a video saying that there was a problem of loose wing screws on Air China flight CA1921. The video showed that the aircraft was flying in the air at the time, and a screw on the wing was indeed obvious. Shake, and a screw has fallen off. In response to the video, Air China stated that today, in response to the phenomenon of loose screws on the inner side fairing of the left wing of Air China flight CA1921 reported on the Internet, Air China attached great importance to it and immediately inspected relevant parts of the aircraft and repaired the loose screws. , while checking the relevant fleet. However, insiders are serious, a loose screw on the plane will not affect flight safety. According to Jiemian News, the crew of an airport maintenance company introduced the situation. The crew said that the main function of the inner ship-shaped fairing where the screw is located is to regulate the airflow, thereby reducing resistance and saving fuel. Loose screws generally do not fall off in a short period of time, but after a long period of shaking, the surrounding screws may also be vibrated, causing more screws to loosen or fall. But he also stressed that this does not affect aviation safety. &l.
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