Xûr, the enigmatic emissary of the Nine, has returned to Destiny 2. Find him in one of his three favorite zones until the reset on Tuesday to exchange your hard-earned Legendary shards for Exotic-quality arsenal.
Read also: Find all the exotic weapons of Destiny 2 and their catalysts.
Destiny 2 – Xûr: Location and Gear of the Week
This week, Xûr is on the EMZ
Exotic Weapon of the Week
- Polygonal slotting: Recoil Reduction Barrel. Increases stability.
- Alloy Magazine: Reloading is faster when the magazine is empty.
- eye of the storm : As your hit points decrease, this weapon becomes more accurate and easier to wield.
- Textured handle: The grip of the hilt of this weapon is strong. Greatly increases handling speed and slightly decreases stability.
- Helical Grooving : Balanced barrel. Slightly increases range, stability and handling.
- Light loader: Reloading and range are improved. Increases reload speed and range slightly.
- Quick aim : You switch to aiming mode more quickly.
- Composite stock: This weapon has a versatile dual purpose stock. Slightly increases stability and handling speed.
Legendary Weapons of the Week
Exotic Hunter Armor
Exotic Titan Armor
Arcanist’s Exotic Armor
Legendary Armor of the Week
Other gifts from Xûr
- Destined Engram – 97
- Exotic encryption: You can collect 2 per week per account. It systematically contains an Exotic item that you do not yet have.
- Obtain it through the quest Xenology: Complete strikes or win Crucible or Gambit matches
The seller will be present until next Tuesday. See you Friday and until then: keep fishing!
Source : Light
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