
It only took 28 years to discover.

Secrets and hidden features in games are always an exciting topic, and they become especially interesting when it comes to games that have been out for decades. Take for example Super Punch-Out for the SNES. It was released 28 years ago, and now the people behind the Unlisted Cheats Twitter account have discovered a really juicy secret in it.

They write that during their work they happened to come across some new cheat codes for the game. In the past, two codes were known that allowed one to do a sound test and enter a Japanese name.

However, the two newly discovered codes are much more interesting, with the first letting you play a single match against any opponent you want. From this mode, one can then enter another code to let the otherwise computer-controlled opponent be controlled by a second player instead – thus a 2-player mode.

A really interesting find, and according to reports it should also work with the Nintendo Switch Online version of the game. Full instructions on how to do this can be found in the Twitter thread below.

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