
Recently, Äike, an electric scooter manufacturer from Europe, has launched the world’s first electric scooter with a USB-C charging port. This scooter is called T e-scooter. It is reported that the scooter has a self-weight of 19 kg and can support a load of up to 150 kg. It is equipped with a detachable 583Wh battery with a cruising range of 25 miles (about 40 kilometers) and supports 100 W USB-C charging for 8 hours on a single charge. Of course, it can also be charged with a conventional charger, and it takes 4 hours to fully charge. The duration is cut in half. In addition, this scooter also supports external discharge with a power of 5V, which can be used to charge electronic devices such as mobile phones. Not only that, the car also has a base at the bottom of the handle, which supports connection with a mobile phone, can be navigated during riding, and is equipped with an anti-theft function. The vehicle itself also has a built-in alarm system and automatic brake lock, and integrates GPS to facilitate owner tracking. In terms of power, the car is equipped with a 350-watt motor, with a maximum design speed of 25 kilometers per hour, and has an IPX5 protection level, which can operate at -17 °C .
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