
Dominance in the news field is in itself a great achievement. This is exactly what is now observed around the new smartphone of Karl Pei with the uncomplicated name Nothing Phone (1). But the powerful combination of mystique that has surrounded this man since the days of OnePlus, and a clear lack of something fresh in the world of smartphones, raised it to the top of the ranking of the most talked about new products. I myself am rather skeptical about it, but this does not mean that the device is not worthy of discussion. Moreover, we must pay tribute to Pei, he and his team did something definitely right. Therefore, they can expect success. It may even make you buy this phone.

This phone can change a lot

Is it true that the phone Nothing is so good

It seems that with such a futuristic look, the device should be at the top of technology. However, a few days ago, Carl Pei revealed in an interview that Nothing Phone 1 will be equipped with a Snapdragon 778G+ processor. This compromise approach seems to have dampened the hopes and expectations of many fans. But, if you think about it, this is exactly the approach that is necessary to achieve success.

The smartphone market has changed a lot in recent years. The concept of specifications per se is a bit of a thing of the past. Even mid-range solutions do an excellent job with their tasks, but they are significantly cheaper than more efficient chips. What’s more, what we haven’t seen in a long time is a truly world-class all-in-one device – a market segment for which Nothing Phone 1 could be a perfect fit.

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Does anyone need a transparent phone

At first it seemed to me that Nothing Phone lives up to its name and is really “nothing”. And also overrated. I talked about this in detail in a separate article. But now that the details have appeared and the approximate price of the novelty is known, its future seems much brighter. At least as far as it is generally possible for a new phone. It is the choice of the middle segment – the most common in the world – that seems more attractive.

Nothing has already released headphones, and the phone will be her first.

Nothing is not Apple, not Samsung, and not even Xiaomi, which means that people will think much better before paying more than $ 1,000 for it. There is a big gap between getting fans interested in a product and getting them to part with their money. Even if Nothing turns out to be a great smartphone, it would be at least presumptuous to start with a premium segment price tag.

Nothing and OnePlus

It is now impossible to follow the path of OnePlus, which she once chose, offering top specs for half the money. So, it was necessary to start from the middle segment.

Почему Nothing действительно ничто. Да еще и переоцененное.

There can be no doubt that after the release of Nothing Phone (1) most potential buyers will wait first first reviews. If the device costs 1000+ dollars, they will simply examine it under a microscope, and at half the price, they will turn a blind eye to some shortcomings and focus on interesting features, such as a luminous back wall. Buyers will also not find fault with iron, camera and other things so much.

At first, it will be necessary to produce a lot of phones in order to make production as cheap as possible, which means lowering the price of the novelty and at least making some money. After all, in the world of smartphones, incomes are now very small and only volume saves. Here again, an increase in sales due to entry into the middle segment will play into the hands of Nothing. So, this is another proof of the correctness of the decisions of Pei and his team.

Parts of the back wall will glow.

Nothing’s target markets are Europe and India are two territories that are well-versed in low-cost, high-performance smartphones. Xiaomi, Poco and Realme have built their brands here. In particular, India has been OnePlus’ favorite destination almost from the beginning. In Europe, Nothing’s only real competitor is the Pixel 6a. But this phone will only be available in limited territories. All you need to do to make Nothing succeed is to offer more or less decent hardware for reasonable money. Especially against the backdrop of a general decline in demand for expensive phones. Nothing Phone (1) already has a WOW effect, which means it remains only not to be embarrassed (you understand what word was originally planned here)

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Smart marketing of Nothing has already provided more exposure and brand awareness than many other manufacturers. For a brand new company, getting up to par with the upcoming Galaxy Z Fold 4 and iPhone 14 is the pinnacle of achievement.

The design of the phone is not just made that way. It’s part of the company’s efforts to create the buzz it’s counting on. A model with top specs would be just one more phone among a dozen existing alternatives. The smartphone industry has come a long way since the early days of OnePlus, and today OnePlus 2.0 won’t have the same impact. But a competent entry into the middle segment is a completely different matter.

iPhone, you?

Many people think that Nothing Phone 1 has no chance if it is not a flagship. But historical experience has shown that a flagship approach paired with an entirely new brand rarely worked, be it the Fire Phone, the Essential, or even the Red Hydrogen One. Everyone had interesting ideas, but in order to get buyers to invest in a new product, now you have to try very hard. In this case, the risk of burnout will be too high.

Первый обзор Nothing Phone показал поразительное сходство с iPhone 13.

The middle class has now greatly increased due to the fact that it needs to develop, while the premium has slowed down its pace of development. As a result, they became closer, which means that a high-quality novelty that stands out from other models for little money will be much more interesting than the next typical “8 Gen 1, 12/512, 120 Hz” and so on.

However, I have already begun to repeat myself and returned to where I started. But you understood what I wanted to say, and perhaps you were also interested in this phone precisely because of how it is positioned. It may not be the golden age of OnePlus right now, but if Carl Pei can lift another brand, then he will go down in history. Not like Steve Jobs, of course, but somewhere close to him.

The post Turns out Nothing is doing it right and her first phone could be a hit appeared first on Gamingsym.