
The “Gate of Hell” fire has been burning for 51 years, and the fire fighting plan has finally been put on the agenda. On January 8 this year, the president of Turkmenistan stated that a professional team would be established to put out the fire at the “Gate of Hell”. This isn’t the first time the fire has been offered. In 2010, the President stated that he would put out the fire, but it was not realized. In order to ensure safety, in 2013, the “Gate of Hell” was also protected, hoping that the public would not approach it. But things backfired, and the fire at the gate of hell never went out. Appeared in 1971 and still burning in 2022, it not only won the title of “Gate of Hell”, but also carried the label of “one of the most popular attractions in the world”. How did the fire at the gates of hell form? The Gates of Hell is located in the remote desert of Turkmenistan, one of the driest countries in the world and the fifth-largest country in the world in terms of natural gas reserves. Turkmenistan became independent in 1991 and was previously part of the Soviet Union. In 1971, Soviet geologists .
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