
The sika deer in the zoo was cut off with blood all over its head

Recently, there areNetizens revealed that a sika deer in a zoo in Shandong had its horns cutThe blood-covered video has attracted the attention of netizens. In the eyes of some people, is this animal cruelty?

In this regard, the staff said: In order to prevent the deer from fighting, the antlers were artificially cut off. The blood on the deer’s head is because the deer likes to rub against stones, and the wound oozes blood again during the rubbing process, and it will heal in a few days.

In fact, it is not the first time that the zoo has cut deer antlers, but every time it is questioned by tourists that the zoo cuts deer antlers for money.

In fact, every time netizens questioned that the zoo was cutting antlers for money, the zoo would refute the rumor. Zoos have limited space for rearing, and deer have nowhere to hide when they fight. They are easily injured, especially when the opponent stares at the sharp antlers, which may cause more damage.

In order to prevent deer from fighting, zoos generally cut off antlers before deer come into heat. Generally speaking, deer antlers sawn off in zoos are made into specimens for tourists to visit. Some deer antlers are also stored in warehouses or provided to popular science institutions, but more are crushed and processed.

Many people would think that the zoo would cut the antler and sell it for money. In fact, there is a difference between deer antler and antler. Deer antler is soft, rich in blood vessels, and there are many gaps in the middle, which has high nutritional value. However, the harvesting of deer antler is generally around June when it has grown for about 60 days.

In most zoos, deer antlers are harvested after they have completely ossified in August. At this time, deer antlers have no nutritional value, no medicinal value, and no value.

The reason why zoos do not harvest antlers, but antlers, is mainly because the zoo needs to show the animals’ demeanor. Antlers are also one of the typical characteristics of deer. Many children will come to watch deer and antlers.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtag: zoo giraffe deer

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The post The sika deer in the zoo was cut off with blood on its head, causing heated discussions about the garden’s helpless response: experts explain why they cut off their antlers-Giraffe, Zoo, Deer appeared first on Gamingsym.