
A new Season 4 Reloaded Hotfiy Patch for WARZONE is now LIVE! All information at a glance!

Raven Software exclusively for “war zonereleased a new update. You can find out what the reason for the unannounced hotfix is ​​in this article.

That “Warzone update 1.61‘ is available now and can be downloaded. There were probably isolated problems that prevented players from logging into the game, this error should now be fixed.

Please remember, if you belong to the group of players who have been with us since the beginning, then you will still have installed Warzone in combination with Modern Warfare. So that’s it too Modern Warfare Update 1.61.

Modern Warfare Warzone Update 1.61 Patch Notes

There are no details for this patch, no list of patch notes has been published. There is only one message on Twitter:

A small Warzone update just went live. Hopefully this fixed the issue not even allowing people to access the game.

That’s it, that’s all there is to this hotfix on August 8th.

Did you already notice that? war zone 2 will be announced soon? No? Then look here.

source: Twitter

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