
A lot of exciting projects are waiting for Fallout fans before the still very distant release of Fallout 5. Also included is Amazon’s Fallout series, which is being created with the participation of Bethesda. While we can only look at the first set pictures, there is already a lot more to see from the numerous large mod projects such as Fallout: Miami or Cascadia.

The developers of Fallout: London even let you try out some of their project’s content as a mod for Fallout 4. We’ll tell you what’s in the offer and how you can get it here. Incidentally, the fact that some team members have already been poached by Bethesda itself speaks for the quality standard of Fallout: London:

Fallout London loses developers to Bethesda again


more on the subject

Fallout London loses developers to Bethesda again

That’s in it

In the modpack of Fallout: London awaits you a whole bunch of new armor, weapons and settlement objects, which you can try in your Fallout 4 save. They become accessible by completing a small quest. The new items will then be available from a vendor. What exactly is included in the modpack is listed below.

If you haven’t heard of Fallout: London yet, our big preview video tells you what you can look forward to in the total conversion of Fallout 4:

Who needs Fallout 5 anymore?  - Fallout: London preview

12:47 p.m

Who needs Fallout 5 anymore? – Fallout: London preview

But here are all the contents of the big London modpack:

Outfits and Armor:
– Arthur’s armor
– Baron armor
– Cable Street Apparel Outfit
– Camelot mercenary outfit
– Cavalry outfit (various versions)
– Eve’s outfit with prosthetics
– Royal Guard Uniform (various versions)
– Junkie Knight armor (various versions)
– Mercenary outfit (various versions)
– Merlin’s outfit
– Police outfit (various versions)
– Prisoner Outfit (various versions)
– Pilot Uniform (Find this on the dead pilot)

– Bren Gun
– Cricket ball grenade
– Cricket bat
– Dardik Tround (pistol, with unique variant)
– EM 2 Rifle No.9 MK1 (assault rifle)
– Firelance shotgun
– Luger (pistol)
– Martini Henry (rifle)
– Improvised ax and police baton
– Tennis racket
– Webley 1913 (pistol)

settlement objects:
– Royal Guard Sentry Box (Can be used as a working sentry post)

This is how you get the mod

The mod pack can be downloaded for free on the Nexusmods website. Since this is a large collection of several individual mods, it is advisable to use the Mod Manager Vortex to use for installation. If you’d rather just have a single item from the modpack in your game, you can get most mods as well download individually.

Incidentally, Fallout: London itself is scheduled to appear free of charge as a total conversion for Fallout 4 in 2023. The mod project lets you explore the entire British capital and its environs. Our detailed report shows what many players are already enthusiastic about the project:

Fallout: London fascinates millions of role-players


more on the subject

Fallout: London fascinates millions of role-players

What do you think of the British-themed modpack for Fallout 4? Would you like to go hunting for mutants yourself as a royal guard, or equip the guards of your settlement with a chic outfit and new weapons? Or do you prefer to wait for the whole project until you start Fallout 4 again? Write your opinion in the comments!

The post Role-playing mod lets you try out the first content appeared first on Gamingsym.