
Pirates were the theme yesterday, with Skull & Bonesgameplay and a pirate-heavy FZ quiz. Danish Io ​​does not want to be worse this Friday when they reveal that their new map comes with a pirate theme. Ambrose Island is released on July 26 and pits Agent 47 against insidious pirates.

The tropical island is a hidden cove, home to a dangerous pirate syndicate operating in the Andaman Sea and to many hidden secrets. This fully explorable sandbox location is packed with new targets, gameplay opportunities, challenges and unlockable rewards.

In addition, everyone gets Hitman 3-owner access to the dlc at no extra cost. Good so.

Io Interactive has been a great success Hitman 3, which probably feels extra good considering the crisis a few years ago when Square Enix suddenly dumped them. Now the Danish studio is flourishing, which now also has a Malmö office and a game with a certain Bond (yes, James Bond) in the making.

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