
Fall Damage, a studio co-created by a former Development Director of Dice, announced a new free-to-play multiplayer FPS: ALARA Prime. The developers promise a tactical and competitive game in which three teams of four players compete for an objective, all with a lot of gadgets. This is very reminiscent of the pitch of the terrible Nine To Five, which turned out to be a nice turd when it came out. For once, the announcement is accompanied by a pre-Alpha gameplay video allowing you to learn a little more about the title:

We can discover some gadgets (shield, wall of flames, turrets, flashbang, dart wallhack…), as well as ugly visuals and a generic artistic direction as possible.

Anyway, the developers have scheduled a pre-Alpha technical testing session for July 15, 16, and 17. If you want to participate, go to the official website from ALARA Prime. The game should come out on Steam somewhere in 2023.

If you are interested, you will find below a short presentation cinematic without the slightest interest:

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