
Korean governmentTake the policy of relaxing the quota of university semiconductor departments as a medium-to-long-term measure to solve the shortage of semiconductor talentsbut the protest movement centered on local colleges and universities has grown.

In June, after the President of South Korea ordered measures to cultivate semiconductor talents, the Ministry of Education revised the “South Korea Metropolitan Area Improvement Plan Law” that prohibits the increase of admissions to universities in the metropolitan area.Because in the past universities have reduced their semiconductor quotas due to restructuring.

In response, the “Seven Regional University Presidents Association”, which consists of 127 university presidents in seven non-metropolitan areas in South Korea, issued a statement on July 7.Required mainly except in 9 metropolitan areas.

According to reports, there are currently only about 1,000 semiconductor-related students in universities across the country, including metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas, each year.

In addition, colleges in the metropolitan area believe that rather than increasing their undergraduate places, they can create their own semiconductor majors by adjusting their on-campus places. However, in order to cultivate master’s and doctoral talents, it is necessary to expand the number of graduate schools in related sectors including the metropolitan area.

Netizens commented that “it is wrong to divide metropolitan areas and non-metropolitan areas to formulate policies.” On the other hand, he warned that “semiconductor talent training policies should not be used as a temporary tool to revitalize local universities.”

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