© Pencil / Guy Kelly

Crungus: here is the strange name of a nightmarish creature imagined by an artificial intelligence (AI). Explanations.

This surprising creature was born thanks to the Twitch streamer and voice actor Guy Kelly. How did he do it? He visited the site Crayon and copied a screenshot including the term Crungus. This thus gave abominable results. The term “Crungus” would be linked to dirt that accumulates under the fingernails or to a mysterious monsteras explained byUrban Dictionary, but no Google results returned anything resembling the creatures you can see in the Tweet below.

In the comments to Kelly’s posts, a user pointed out that a being named Crungus appeared in game Ice Age Carnivores “in a Discord meme that was born a few years ago”. “The AI ​​may be laughing at this particular meme, hence the rather demonic images”, he added.

Despite all these suppositions, we are still not fixed on the origin of this “Crungus”. We also don’t know why Pencil generates it inconsistently with so little information. In an interview given to IFLScienceGuy Kelly offered an explanation: “Crungus is a creature that has always existed in a world slightly adjacent to our own and through the pride of humanity. In trying to create a thinking machine, we have pierced the veil between the worlds and invited in something that can never be returned. »

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