
A stone stirred up a thousand waves. Huawei Yu Chengdong’s high appreciation for the program extension aroused strong opposition from Wei brand CEO Li Ruifeng, who directly said: “It is an industry consensus that the program extension hybrid technology is backward, and no matter how big the mouth is, you can’t make big noises.” Recently, Li Ruifeng has successively Posted on Weibo, emphasizing views such as “adding programs is backward”, “it’s good to make a fortune by making a muffled sound”, “adding programs and cutting leeks with backward technology”, etc. “There is no doubt that program extension is China’s hybrid and backward technology. We are willing to stand up bravely to break the lies of the so-called new forces’ ‘cutting leeks’,” Li Ruifeng said, and bluntly said “Intelligent DHT series-parallel technology is the best in the world. Technology.” In his opinion, the intelligent DHT series-parallel architecture adopted by Wei brand has effectively solved the technical pain points of other hybrid configurations such as late direct drive, weak power, and large power loss, and can better enter the direct drive mode. The overall efficiency of the system exceeds 50%, meeting the optimal performance and performance in all scenarios. Whether it is urban road conditions or high-speed super .
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