
IT House July 10 news, according to the Taiwan Economic Daily, the panel industry has entered a cold winter. The two major panel manufacturers, AUO and Innolux, announced their June revenue.Not only has it continued to decline from the previous monththe second-quarter combined revenue of the two largest panel manufacturers also synchronizedRecord single quarter low since first quarter of 2020. The industry generally believes that without significant adjustments on the supply side,Panel prices in the second half of the year are still difficult to be optimistic.

Among them, AUO’s consolidated revenue in June was NT$20.69 billion (approximately RMB 4.655 billion),The month-on-month decrease of 5.8% and the year-on-year decrease of 39.03%the consolidated revenue in the second quarter of this year was NT$62.88 billion,A decrease of 22.9% month-on-month and a year-on-year decrease of 34.3%. AUO’s consolidated revenue in the first half of this year reached NT$144.412 billion,Year-on-year decrease of 19.14%.

IT House learned that AUO’s total panel shipment area in June reached 1.585 million square meters, a decrease of 9.7% from the previous month. In the second quarter of this year, the total panel shipment area reached 4.919 million square meters, a decrease of 18.7% from the previous quarter and a decrease of 23.2% from the same period last year.

In addition, Innolux’s June consolidated revenue was NT$19.285 billion,A month-on-month increase of 7.1%, a significant year-on-year decrease of 38.8%. Innolux’s second-quarter consolidated revenue was NT$57.901 billion,The month-on-month decrease of 17.15% and the year-on-year decrease of 37.9%. Innolux’s consolidated revenue in the first half of this year reached NT$127.787 billion,Year-on-year decrease of 27.83%.

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