
The plane crashed and landed on the highway. I had only seen it in the movie before, but the scene in reality is far more exciting than the movie.

Recently, a video uploaded by netizens from the driver’s perspective of a light plane forced to land on a highway has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

In the video, the light aircraft suddenly suffered an engine failure. In order to avoid a crash, the driver tried to make an emergency landing on the highway, but the highway was crowded with traffic at this time.However, the pilot’s skills were excellent, and he finally avoided other vehicles and made a successful forced landing without casualties. The video of the forced landing was extremely thrilling.

According to reports, Swain County police said the plane made an emergency landing on Highway 19 at about 11:50 a.m. on the 3rd, and there were no casualties in the incident.

The driver, Fraser, said he and his father-in-law wanted to go to see the newly purchased property near Fontana Lake (Fontana Lake) together, so they took the small plane and did not expect that the engine suddenly failed halfway through the flight.

Since he checked the instrument and wanted to restart the aircraft engine, the aircraft began to descend suddenly after 3 to 5 seconds of flying. In a desperate situation, he could only choose to make an emergency landing.Most of the mountains are nearby, and the safest place to land is only the highway.

Fraser said that he only obtained his pilot’s license in October last year and has less than 100 hours of flying experience. This time, he was facing such an urgent situation. Fortunately, he remained calm and successfully avoided many power lines and busy lanes, and finally landed the plane safely. to the road.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtags: plane failure forced landing

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