
It is now impossible (or almost) to buy an Oppo or OnePlus phone in Germany, the fault of… Nokia.

This is news that is bound to have its effect. The two Chinese brands Oppo and OnePlus have just been simply banned from sale on German territory. Behind this unprecedented court decision is actually hiding another big name in telephony: Finland’s Nokia.

The latter is indeed at the origin of many projects concerning technologies around 5Ge and its integration into smartphones. Having filed a complaint with the German courts, the Scandinavian brand was heard and Oppo products like OnePlus are now untraceable on the other side of the Rhine.

At least on paper, because in fact it is still possible to buy phones from the two Chinese brands via third-party resellers, surely while stocks last. The two firms obviously did not remain unanswered, but they used two very different strategies.

Oppo and OnePlus: two different crisis strategies

At Oppo, the speech is rather pessimistic and the decision of the Munich court seems accepted. The brand said that it is still possible to use a device without any restrictions and that future updates will still be available for German users.

Regarding OnePlus, the speech is different. A spokesperson for the brand communicated on the subject. According to him, the brand is trying to find a compromise with Nokia to end this affair and continue to sell smartphones on German soil. Because the market is big in Germany, one of the most interesting in Europe for the two firms.

Cumulatively, they now represent almost one in 10 smartphones. A real financial windfall therefore, but the two companies go even further. Indeed, the Munich court decision risks setting a precedent that could weigh in the balance in other lawsuits between Asian firms and the historic Scandinavian manufacturer.

Nokia: the smartphone phoenix

With this position, Nokia could very well launch proceedings in France, Italy or the United Kingdom. It would therefore be very interesting for OnePlus and Oppo to quickly find a solution and an agreement to end this dispute. The main source of hope for both brands seems to be the agreement between Nokia and Oppo.

The latter ended in 2018, but it shows that discussion is possible and that in exchange for financial compensation (probably substantial) Oppo and OnePlus could return to the German market in the coming weeks.

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The post Oppo and OnePlus banned in Germany, the French market threatened? appeared first on Gamingsym.