With the start of Season 4 of WoW: Shadowlands, our heroes were allowed to visit a raid with affixes for the first time in WoW history. The first was the Fateful Castle Nathria, before the Sanctum of Dominance and the Mausoleum of the First can also be visited in the upgraded and affixed version in the coming weeks.
With the change of season came some class adjustments, which should ensure better balancing between the individual ways of playing. But that didn’t work so well in the Mythic Plus dungeons, which is why the developers have now improved it. If we take a look at the Fateful Raid, we quickly see that the balancing in the raid was not particularly successful either.
Tanks in Fateful Castle Nathria
Things are still looking relatively good for the tanks, even if the scissors are already widening enormously here. Demon hunters and monks, still the most popular tanks in the original Nathria Castle, are lagging behind in the back places, while hardly anyone can match the DpS of the guardian druids.
Tanks in Destined Castle Nathria
Source: Buffed / Warcraft Logs
Of course, it has to be said that the damage done is only a small part of a tank’s strength. A DpS ranking cannot reflect survival skills or helpful support spells. The list does not mean that the tanks below are useless. They just don’t do that much damage.
Healer in Fateful Castle Nathria
There are also dramatic differences between the stronger and weaker styles of play among the healers. Restoration druids are currently the measure of all things and no other healer can hold a candle to them. The synergy of their abilities, the Legendarys and the constant group damage in Castle Nathria allows them to achieve enormous HPP numbers.
Healer in Fateful Castle Nathria
Source: Buffed / Warcraft Logs
No matter which boss you look at individually, the little trees are at the top everywhere. This is also due to the brevity of the fights, where mana is not really an issue. The remaining healers don’t reach these HpS numbers, but are still usable. Groups that go without a Restoration Druid also have success in Castle Nathria. Even if they have it a little harder.
Continue on page 2 with the damage dealers.
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