
After performing a heart-warming “True Story”, where is Luo Yonghao’s next stop? Not long ago, Luo Yonghao announced that he was leaving the management of making friends and quitting social platforms such as Weibo. On the evening of July 10, Luo Yonghao announced the start of his new entrepreneurial journey in the “Make Friends” live broadcast room. During the live broadcast with Zhu Xiaomu, “hr@thinredline.com.cn” was quietly hung in the background. ‘s recruitment mailbox, “the 001st employee and founder of the year” also gathered again. Obviously, Luo Yonghao’s new company is named “Thin Red Line” (thin red line). Check the official website www.thinredline.com.cn, there is no substantial content, only a “thin red line” constitutes the horizon, and there is also a sentence: “The opportunity to directly participate in platform-level innovation. .
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