
Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

The big guys in the car circle “tear each other”, and made the technology of extended-range electric, a technology that only people who bought cars paid attention to before, became a national topic:

First, Yu Chengdong said when confronted with the question of “whether the range extension is a transition”: “This is nonsense. If the range extension engine is removed, it is actually a pure electric vehicle.”

Then he said: “Extended range is very suitable as the first car in the family. It is recommended to eliminate pure fuel vehicles as soon as possible.”

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

Why did Yu Dazui say that?

In the industry dominated by Huawei, the current main push is the extended-range electric vehicle.

However, Yu Chengdong soon encountered “6 consecutive sprays”:

Yu Chengdong, who makes a lot of nonsense, don’t take casualness as personality.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, the bubble will be burst, and it is an industry consensus that the extension program is backward.

Using outdated technology to cut leeks, no matter what the forces are, investing money into the true value of the product is much more kind than the mouthpiece.

Li Ruifeng, CEO of Wei brand, a subsidiary of Great Wall Motors, has interests behind him – the hybrid camp.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

Therefore, while being bombarded by professionals, sales have taken off, and car companies are competing to launch.

Is the program extension technology a short-term operation? Is there really a need?

Is the program extension technology “take off your pants and fart”?

The principle of the program extension technology is not complicated, in fact, it is a “series” type of hybrid.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

The engine does not participate in the drive and always operates as a generator, while the power of the vehicle is completely provided by the battery and the electric motor.

To put it more bluntly, a fuel generator was added to the car-note, it is a generator.

Therefore, the extended-range mode has always been considered as “pants and farts”: there is no electric vehicle – the environmental protection and low cost of direct-drive motors, and the vibration and high pollution of fuel vehicles, so why not directly choose a fuel vehicle driven by an internal combustion engine? ?

The hybrid, although it also has oil and electricity, adopts another mode.

Including Great Wall Motor’s Lemon DHT, BYD’s DM-i, Geely Thor, Chery Kunpeng and other mainstream autonomous hybrid technologies, they are essentially “hybrid” models.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

That is, including the series mode, the entire power system selects parallel, engine direct drive, series, and pure electric mode driving according to different working conditions.

Generally speaking, pure electricity is used when the battery power is sufficient, series power is used when the battery is low and the power is insufficient, parallel is used for overtaking and climbing, and the engine is directly driven at high speed.

Based on this, car companies of the hybrid route believe that the hybrid technology takes into account various working conditions, so that the engine can be in the high-efficiency range to the greatest extent, which is much more advanced than the extended program only in the series mode.

From the perspective of technical principle, research and development difficulty, and system complexity, the hybrid system is indeed superior.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

The shortcomings of the program extension are also obvious: high fuel consumption at high speed, large system footprint, low energy conversion efficiency, limited pure electric battery life…

But also compared with the hybrid system, the extended program also has unique advantages.

First, the engine does not directly drive the wheels,This makes the vehicle NVH better than the hybrid system.

In addition, since the extended program always uses pure electric drive, when the battery power preservation strategy is reasonable,The power response will not be attenuated, and there is no such thing as “power loss”, insufficient power and increased fuel consumption.

Moreover, the program extension system is simple and the cost is lower than that of the multi-speed DHT hybrid system.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

The biggest advantage of the program extension is that it is completely separate from the “gas-electric” hybrid in concept, and gives itself the name of “pure electric drive”. Same treatment –

There are discounts for buying a car and a green card is given. The most important thing is that the program extension is not like a pure electric model, and there is no such thing as “mileage anxiety” at all.

Therefore, at the press conference of extended-range electric vehicles, the cruising range has always been the main point.

But there are also some small tips. For example, extended-range electric vehicles generally compare the cruising range with pure electric vehicles, and the driving experience with fuel vehicles.

What needs to be strictly avoided is fuel consumption, economy, energy saving and environmental protection – is this also the reason why this ancient technology is considered backward?

Program extension fire, who is pushing, who is following?

In fact, domestic and foreign car companies have already developed extended-range hybrid technology and launched corresponding models.

As early as the 19th and early 20th centuries, in order to improve the cruising range of the pure electric vehicle Lohner-Porsche, Porsche specially added an internal combustion engine to generate electricity. This car is also known as the earliest extended-range electric vehicle in the industry.

Then GM brought the Volt model, BMW launched the i3 extended-range version, and Nissan launched the Note.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

In China, Chery also unveiled the extended-range electric vehicle S18D-REEV in 2010, and GAC Trumpchi also launched the GA5 extended-range version in 2014.

However, at that time, the battery weight was high, the price was high, and the thermal efficiency of the engine was not high, and there were many energy conversion paths, so the extended-range models were very fuel-intensive; and due to the imperfect matching of the system, the driving comfort was seriously affected, and the maintenance cost was not high. Low.

This wave of program extensions quickly cooled down.

Until 2019, the ideal car successfully opened the situation with the ideal ONE, which brought the extended-range electric vehicle on fire.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

In 2020, the then CEO of Volkswagen China, Feng Sihan, bombarded the program extension, believing that this is the worst new energy solution.

The only extended-range model on the market at the time was ideal and quickly fought back. In the outgoing video, Li Xiang himself shot back mercilessly:

A bunch of stinky technologists are beeping at us every day, what kind of shit technology did they come up with? ! A group of people who have no user thinking and don’t care about users at all, study the technical route every day, what kind of technical route is XX? Nonsense!

Regardless of the controversy, Li Xiang exploded foul language, but it turns out that users do not mind the backward technology or high fuel consumption of the extension program.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

Last year, Li Li officially released this picture, indicating that the sales of Li Li ONE alone have surpassed the total sales of all models of the same level or even leapfrog models owned by North and South Volkswagen.

Therefore, last year, the program was added and it became popular.

In the field of cooperation between Huawei and Celis, the main focus is to extend the program.

Nezha Auto has always taken the cost-effective route of pure electric in the past, but the new car Nezha S has begun to provide two solutions of pure electric and extended range.

In addition to the differentiated advantages of “zero anxiety electric vehicles” at the user and policy level, the new forces push the program, the deeper reason is that the new forces do not have the deep accumulation of internal combustion engines like traditional car companies.

The thermal efficiency and running quality of the engine are not high, and there is indeed no advantage in mixing up. It is better to directly increase the program and avoid the complicated engine adjustment process.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

However, among traditional car companies, there are also many who choose to add programs as an entry point for transformation.

Dongfeng Motor’s Lantu, the two models on sale, FREE and DREAM, both offer pure electric and extended-range options.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

Changan Automobile has also embarked on the road of extending the program. The new brand, the dark blue SL03, also launched the extended-program model.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

The more direct driving factor for traditional car companies to choose the extended range is because the advancement of battery technology enables the extended range models to be equipped with larger-capacity batteries, and the pure electric cruise is not inferior to the hybrid models.

The pure electric battery life of about 200km makes it possible to use “urban electricity and high-speed fuel”, and it can be regarded as a true realization of the goal of “fuel-saving” by increasing the program.

Li Xiang once gave such a set of data:

The user’s pure electric mileage accounts for 70%, and pure electric driving time accounts for 85%. As long as the battery is large enough and the fuel consumption scene is small enough, what is the impact of high fuel consumption and low fuel consumption?

Therefore, the extension program is very popular in OEMs and users, and the reason is very simple:

“0 Anxiety Electric Vehicle” accurately hits policies and user needs, and technological progress has further magnified this advantage.

So can the “backward” extension program be bought?

A well-known automotive technology blogger, Zhang Kangkang, gave his opinion:

The series-parallel plug-in hybrid is technically superior to the program extension. After electric vehicles have matured the three-electric technology and reduced battery costs, the trend of large battery plug-in since last year has reduced the difference between the two.

Cars are to C products, and technology serves products. To evaluate an automobile company, it is not only about technology, but also about product capabilities. It is not strong in technology but can make strong products. This is also a unique and excellent enterprise. Businesses that benefit consumers.

One more thing

Wei Pai Li Ruifeng bombarded Yu Chengdong, and another sentence was:

It’s good to make a fortune by doing program extension, why say it?

Obviously, Mr. Li reluctantly admitted the “backward” extension program. Consumers don’t mind and can make money.

Of course, in this debate, there were also netizens who killed and punished, and felt that the bombardment of Yu Chengdong and the extension route was mainly because of envy, jealousy and hatred.

The hybrid sales of the Great Wall Wei brand were taken as an example.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

In June, the Wei brand, including hybrid models, sold a total of 4,562 vehicles nationwide, down 22% year-on-year, and the downward trend has continued for several years.

Even in Wei brand stores, the models that have been sold so far are still the off-road vehicle tank 300 with pure fuel and low fuel consumption.

But there may be more specific reasons for this comparison.

After all, on the road of hybridization, the current best-selling player is BYD DMi.

And in the just-concluded first half of 2022, BYD surpassed Tesla on the new energy track and was crowned No.1 in the world.

Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes nonsense

This result did not cause too many waves in China, but in foreign countries, many Tesla fans think that BYD is invincible.

Because in BYD’s sales volume,It is basically a hybrid DMi product.Tesla, on the other hand, is purely electric.

I don’t know if these Tesla fans know that in the far east, the extended-range electric seems to be selling well and is still being established.

What do you think of the popularity of the extended range route?

Hashtag: extended-program electric vehicle extended-program hybrid

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The post Yu Chengdong is furious at the hybrid group of the extended-range electric platform: the backward technology cuts leeks and makes a lot of nonsense-hybrid, extended-program, extended-range electric vehicles–Kui Technology (media of Drive Home)–Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.