Telegram founder Pavel Durov published in his channel post, expressing outrage at the inaction of Apple. According to him, the App Store moderators have not let the updated version of the messenger through for two weeks and do not explain what caused such a delay.
Durov writes that the Telegram update will revolutionize how people express themselves in communication with each other (where without it), so it’s important to get it into the app stores as soon as possible. He also recalled that Telegram is one of the ten most popular applications in the world, and if Apple treats this application this way, then one can imagine the difficulties the creators of less popular projects face. Durov points out that he is demoralized by this attitude, and he believes that hundreds of thousands of applications around the world are losing money due to moderation delays.
Durov’s indignation is fueled by the fact that Apple charges developers a 30 percent commission for any payments in their applications, and moderation work is financed from this income. He lamented that regulators are slow to intervene and remove the monopoly on the mobile app store market, thanks to which Apple continues to damage the global high-tech economy.
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