
The Netflix Platform is experiencing a drop in worldwide attendance, but for all that, in France, it is still a great success. Here’s what to remember from the recent figures.

During an interview with the JDD, Ted Sarandos, CO-CEO of Netflix spoke about the figures and in particular those concerning France. We can thus learn that in just over two years, the video-on-demand platform has had several million additional subscriptions. Inevitably, the pandemic must also have had something to do with it. Netflix between decline and rise?

A growing increase for France

The American giant Netflix therefore claims 10 million subscriptions in France. This is a gargantuan increase when you know that there were 6.7 million subscriptions at the start of 2020. It is certain that the successive confinements had an immense impact on this figure. Ted Sarandos specifies all the same that a household represents five accounts. This means that the number of Netflix viewers is actually much larger and should be around 14 million currently.

A global drop for Netflix

Despite everything, a drop is to be noted at the global level, such as the loss of 700,000 subscriptions in Russia (a political choice with the War in Ukraine). During the first quarter of 2022, the platform even lost 200,000 subscribers and this for the first time in a decade. Could it be the famous glass ceiling?

To change the situation, we know that Netflix is ​​also preparing a less expensive subscription but with an advertising system. We also talk about it in this news.

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