
Jay Chou’s new album will be announced with an exclusive live broadcast next week!Kuaishou: It doesn’t matter how much you spend

Jay Chou’s new album “The Greatest Work” will be officially released after 0:00 on July 15th. After the MV for the first song “The Greatest Work” was released a few days ago, it has already caused quite a stir.

Today (July 10) Kuaishou announced that at 19:00 on July 18, Jay Chou will conduct an exclusive live broadcast on the platform to talk about the new work “secrets that can be told”with a picture of Jay Chou playing the piano in the MV of “The Greatest Work”.

Earlier, Kuaishou Guanwei once said arrogantly, “Don’t ask me how much I spent, it doesn’t matter, friendship is priceless, you are worth it.”

It is reported that the MV of “The Greatest Work” is based on the setting of time-travelling with piano music in “The Secret That Can’t Be Said”. An interactive romantic story, and the lyrics also express their perception of the art industry.

However, according to the playlist that has been disclosed, the new album “The Greatest Work”, which many fans have been looking forward to for 6 years, actually only includes 6 new songs, namely “Still Wandering”, “Beautiful Face”, “Missed” “Fireworks”, “Pink Ocean”, “Reflection”, “The Greatest Work”, and the rest are “Mojito”, “If You Don’t Love Me, Pull Down”, “Say Good Don’t Cry”, “Wait for You After Class” and so on.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtag: Kuaishou Jay Chou Live Album

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