
And it’s a very democratic multiplayer concept.

Supermassives The Quarry was released about a month ago to really good ratings and satisfied players. However, something we already knew beforehand was missing at the release was online multiplayer, and Supermassive later explained that the reason was that part of the multiplayer team was in Ukraine.

But now the game has received a major update, and it includes online multiplayer. However, this game mode differs from the offline co-op that already exists in the game, where you simply control different characters and hand over control when it is the fellow player’s turn. Online, it’s instead a person who hosts the game and who actually controls all the characters. The other seven “players” can then vote on all important decisions in the game and thus be involved and influence.

The update also includes some new, 80s-inspired equipment for the characters, but these must be praised for if you do not have the Deluxe edition of the game.

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