
For people living outside the city, the morning most often begins with a cock crowing. Yes, this happens earlier than we would like, but how can we resist the prevailing natural laws? But why do roosters start to sing so early, for what purpose?

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Why do roosters crow?

To begin with, it is worth saying that roosters cannot go against their nature and stop crowing. A piercing sound is a kind of song, although not as melodic as that of other birds. Waking up, the roosters begin to sing. And the time for this is chosen approximately the same, both in winter and in the morning. It is interesting that the roosters cannot oversleep their performance – neither the sun with its rays, nor any other factors affect them. In this case, the biological clock is much more important. That is their main role.

It is traditionally believed that roosters make their “crow” at dawn, but this song is also performed by them at other times of the day. In our minds, we have associated the singing of this bird with a certain time of day, but this process has a completely different biological meaning. Birds obviously do not think that it is time to wake people up. In fact, this singing is necessary to establish contact with neighbors. A piercing cry shows everyone who is in charge in this area and confirms to the family the inviolability of the existing hierarchy.

Check out the video below, where the rooster screams until he loses his strength and finally falls down. Looks very funny.

In nature, it so happened that each bird has its own area for living, breeding and foraging. Naturally, a feathered creature protects its allotment at least from relatives. Roosters can even fight because of this. But the constant battles of fathers of families for the population as a whole is a bad decision. So nature made it easier for males to prove their rights – with the help of a loud cry. This sound clearly makes it clear to neighbors and competitors who is in charge in this area.

In wild birds, such signals play a more important role. But their domestic relatives have retained a similar way of communication. This is proved by the roosters, who in the morning confirm their master’s rights to the chicken coop. Other roosters respond, signaling the reception of the sent signal. But if there are several roosters in the yard, then the main male has the “right to vote”. If the subordinate dares to speak, then the leader will not answer him, but will immediately begin to attack.

In the absence of a rooster, even a chicken can crow, as the video below proves. This is more of an exception.

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