
Like Puyo waking up our editorial staff every day of the Summer Game Fest, our Necromancer will therefore be able to wake the dead, to turn them into hordes of fighters. In procedurally generated levels, we will have to ransack human cities and face other lords with our magical powers. Each enemy killed in combat will thus join our legions of zombies, including the bosses, who will transform into elite units, special powers at the key, once rallied under our banner.

If this concept is reminiscent of a certain Overlord, it is normal. But The Unliving intends to energize the exercise thanks to a 2D allowing it to display a large number of units on the screen, but also by its component roguelikethe game intends to offer its necromantic war a fast and engaging replayability.

**Unsurprisingly, the game will be released on October 31, Halloween day, on PC in early access. **

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