
According to news on July 11, CATL responded to investors’ questions on the investment platform today, re-emphasizing that the company is committed to promoting the industrialization of sodium-ion batteries in 2023. Ningde Times revealed that the company has released a sodium-ion battery with a single cell energy density of 160Wh/kg, which can be charged by more than 80% in 15 minutes at room temperature. In an environment of minus 20 degrees, the discharge efficiency of more than 90% is still maintained, and the system integration efficiency can reach more than 80%. In fact, compared with lithium batteries, especially lithium iron phosphate batteries, the first-generation sodium-ion batteries of the CATL era have no obvious shortcomings except for their weaker energy density. The planned second-generation sodium-ion battery has an energy density of 200Wh/kg. The outside world believes that this year, due to factors such as rising raw material prices, hot market demand, and soaring oil prices, the price of new energy electric vehicles has remained high. It may bring changes to the entry-to-mainstream new energy market, especially allowing consumers to buy better electric vehicles at lower prices. .
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