
On the evening of June 8, Zhengbang Technology, a leading pig-raising company, admitted that due to tight liquidity, 542 million yuan of commercial tickets were overdue. During the two days of June 9-10, the share price of Zhengbang Technology fell to its lowest level in nearly three years, with a drop of 11.18%. As of the close on June 10, the share price of Zhengbang Technology was 5.48 yuan per share, with a market value of 17.2 billion yuan. Compared with the market value of 80 billion yuan at its peak in 2020, it has evaporated by 80%. The financial report data shows that Zhengbang Technology will lose 18.8 billion yuan in 2021, ranking first among the top pig companies. In the first quarter of this year, it lost 2.433 billion yuan again, and its net assets are only 653 million yuan. Within 15 months, the total loss of Zhengbang Technology has reached 21.2 billion yuan. Since its listing in 2007, the total net profit of Zhengbang Technology for 14 years has only been 9.9 billion yuan. To make matters worse, as of the end of the first quarter of 2022, Zhengbang Technology still has 20 billion yuan in interest-bearing liabilities. Some investors have suggested debt restructuring as soon as possible to preserve production capacity. In October 2019, Young Eagle Farming and Animal Husbandry, the “first stock of pig raising”, went bankrupt and delisted due to the breakage of the capital chain, and millions of live pigs starved to death. Zhengbang Technology attributed the loss to a sharp drop in pig prices. .
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