
After you sing, I will appear! The nationwide network outage accident of Japanese operator KDDI has not yet “cooled down”. Rogers, one of Canada’s largest telecom operators, also experienced a major network failure in the early morning of July 8 local time, causing hundreds of Thousands of users can not access the Internet, make phone calls. It’s not just ordinary users who are affected. Bank payment systems and ATMs that use Rogers’ telecommunications services have also been disrupted. Some stores can only accept cash transactions, and police calls and stock market transactions have also been affected. In this regard, a Rogers spokesman said: “Our current wired and wireless networks have been disrupted, and the technical team is working with our global technology partners to restore service as soon as possible, and progress is being made.” The impact of the outage Very large, Internet traffic monitoring agency NetBlocks monitoring team said that Rogers’ communication dropped to basically 0 between 3 and 4 a.m. EST on July 8, and total Internet traffic in the Canadian region on the morning of July 8 dropped to 75% of normal levels. There is a view that the Rogers network paralysis this time may be caused by .
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